Vinyl Snob Radio
"Guest DJ's"
Christian Swain
Christian Swain is co-founder and producer of Pantheon Podcasts, a rock and roll podcast network now distributing 27 shows including the Vinyl Snob podcast. He is also producer and host of Rock n Roll Archaeology, the complete history of rock music, and Deeper Digs in Rock. Besides talking about rock, he plays it in his band Tinman.
David Bowie
1. DJ from Lodger
2. Suffragette City from Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust
3. Oh You Pretty Things & Eight Mile Poem
from Hunky Dory
4. Space Oddity from Space Oddity
5. Diamond Dogs from Diamond Dogs
6. TVC15 from Station to Station
7. Let's Spend the Night Together from Aladdin Sane
8. Cracked Actor from David Live

9. Panic in Detroit from Aladdin Sane
10. Breaking Glass from Low
11. Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) from Scary Monsters
12. Heroes from Heroes
13. Black Country Rock from The Man Who Sold the World
14. 5 Years from The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
15. The Bewlay Brothers from Hunky Dory
16. Lazarus from Blackstar